Lighter Color Mac OS

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This post explains how you can change the color of the Terminal prompt in Mac OS X.
It also covers how to activate the Terminal color layout, a very useful feature that displays different colors depending on the character of the file or folder.

  1. Lighter Color Mac Os Catalina
  2. Mac Os Color Profile

Change the color of the Terminal prompt

To change the color of the Terminal prompt to a green color, open or create the file ~/.bash_profile and write:

Mar 29, 2019 If you are running OS Mountain Lion, you can use the keyboard shortcut. If you want to enable or disable color inversion without opening the Accessibility menu, you can press Control +⌥ Option +⌘ Command + 8 to do so. In OS High Sierra, you can enable this keyboard shortcut in System Preferences Keyboard Shortcuts. To see if your product is compatible with Mac OS X, please click on the + below next to your model series. Visit our Self-Help Center landing page for other OS-compatibility information for your product. Older models that are not listed are not supported with the operating systems listed below.

#PS1='[u@h W]$ ‘ # Default
PS1='[e[1;32m][u@h W]$[e[0m] ‘

where the first line is a comment indicating the default value, and

  • e[1;31m indicates Red color
  • u @ h W indicates the format of the prompt: user@host path.
  • e[0m indicates format text reset

You can find more information about these special characters in this link. To activate these changes open and close the terminal, or run

source ~/.bash_profile

Activate colors in your Terminal

Activate colors is very easy. You only need to open the ~/.bash_profile file and add the following line:

export CLICOLOR=1

Lighter Color Mac OS

Save the file, and activate the changes like before.

Change the colors of your Terminal

Drill mole mac os. Now, let's learn how we can configure our Terminal to obtain the colors of the figure.

Colors can be changed using the LSCOLORS variable in the ~/.bash_profile. By default is set to


Lighter Color Mac Os Catalina

where the string exfxcxdxbxegedabagacad is a concatenation of pairs of the format TB, where T is the text color and B is the Background color.

The order of these pairs correspond to:

  1. directory
  2. symbolic link – special kind of file that contains a reference to another file or directory.
  3. socket – special kind of file used for inter-process communication.
  4. pipe – special file that connects the output of one process to the input of another.
  5. executable
  6. block special – a kind of device file.
  7. character special – a kind of device file.
  8. executable with setuid bit set (setuid is a short for set user ID upon execution).
  9. executable with setgid bit set (setgid is a short for set group ID upon execution).
  10. directory writable to others, with sticky bit – only the owner can rename or delete files.
  11. directory writable to others, without sticky bit – any user with write and execution permissions can rename or delete files.

And the different letters correspond to:

  • a black
  • b red
  • c green
  • d brown
  • e blue
  • f magenta
  • g cyan
  • h light grey
  • x default color

The same letters in uppercase indicate Bold.

Mac Os Color Profile

The Terminal default colors, described by exfxcxdxbxegedabagacad, and ordered by file type / text color / background color, are:

  1. ex –> directory / blue / default
  2. fx –> symbolic link / magenta / default
  3. cx –> socket / green / default
  4. dx –> pipe / brown / default
  5. bx –> executable / red / default
  6. eg –> block special / blue / cyan
  7. ed –> character special / blue / brown
  8. ab –> executable with setuid / black / red
  9. ag –> executable without setuid / black / cyan
  10. ac –> directory with sticky / black / green
  11. ad –> directory without sticky / black / brown

You can change the colors of your terminal by creating a new concatenated string, like
GxFxCxDxBxegedabagaced, and writing in the .bash_profile file the following line:

export LSCOLORS=GxFxCxDxBxegedabagaced

Enjoy the new Terminal layout! 😉

Don't forget to g+1 if useful! Thanks!

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